Brand, management, and strategy: Craving M&Ms!
M&MS: these are three magic letters to keep as a mantra. M for marque -brand- an image and notoriety that are indispensables to any company. M for management because without people, without their skills, a company is nothing. And, finally, S, for strategy, because without any long-term vision, a business cannot survive.

To keep brands alive, it is necessary to be surrounded by designers, marketers, disruptors, chief digital officers who can develop brands and attractive products. Thanks to the creativity of the human mind they will find a way to speak to the client more readily than any algorithm or computer. It is also necessary to invest to build their renown, create a buzz and maintain their notoriety and their image. Lately, there has been a growing belief that with distribution, brands had become unimportant and unnecessary. That's a big mistake. Success is not just about market shares, leadership and product performance, it is also measured in terms of the emotional value of brands, which is indispensable in our profession where the competition is increasingly harsh.
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Source: Hospitality Net
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